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Authorship and Gender in ESA Journals

Published on: Aug 17, 2020
Thirty‐one years ago, Ecological Society of America's (henceforth ESA) President Jean Langenheim embarked on a project recognizing women ecologists, and she later remarked,

In 1988 I hoped that there would be no further need to discuss the contributions of women ecologists because we would be recognized just as ecologists. Although women have become increasingly prominent as ecologists, it still seems timely and useful to consider the progress women ecologists have made in overcoming both personal and societal obstacles, particularly with regard to research contributions.(Langenheim 1996)


Alas, apparent disparities between male and female scientists persist to this day (Pollack 2013). Although the disparity is not as stark in the life sciences as in other STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields, or even in the other environmental sciences (Bonham and Stefan 2017), a considerable gender imbalance persists in the biological sciences as well (Trafton 2014).

To read the rest of this article in The Bulletin, please click here.