Extending the Vision: Highlighting the Human Dimensions of the Ecological Society of America
The reach of humans into natural ecosystems extends beyond what we might have imagined possible a century ago. Consequently, ecological science is virtually impossible to conduct in isolation, as humans are a large part of the ecosystems we study. Human dimensions scholars are working to continue expanding ecology to include these perspectives. Furthermore, scientific inquiry, and ecology in particular, needs the diverse perspectives of all people to seek solutions to the grand challenges we now face. And yet, for generations, ecology has lacked such diversity.
Here, we introduce a new series to highlight two veins of effort within the Ecological Society of America (ESA): (1) research focused at the nexus of human and natural systems (e.g., human dimensions), and (2) work done to raise awareness of and seek solutions to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion within ecology and across the ESA. We view these topics as distinct, yet connected, and some individual ESA members and groups within ESA focus on both. Through this series, we will hear from individual ESA sections and chapters to learn about their histories, accomplishments, current initiatives, goals, and vision as they pertain to one or both of these topics.
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