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Found 46 articles
Human Dimensions: Communication and Engagement, Where Ecology and Human Dimensions Meet
- Nov 16, 2020
As an ecologist who sometimes struggled with seeing ESA as my home professional society, I (K. Schwarz) credit the ESA Communication and Engagement (C&E) Section with pulling me back into the fold. I
Rise of Machines in Disease Ecology
- Nov 2, 2020
In this issue of the Paper Trail, an arising and established researcher connect on the topic of host–pathogen associations in disease ecology and predicting their occurrence using machine learning.
She Studies Seaweed By The Seashore: The Arising Researcher
- Oct 15, 2020
Tramping through podocarp forests, scrambling up alpine zones, stumbling through tussock grasslands, and clambering along rocky coastlines were common activities I enjoyed as an undergraduate student
Writing Science: Improving Understanding and Communication Skills with the “Unessay”
- Oct 2, 2020
Professionals in natural resources are increasingly engaging with the public (Novacek 2008), and students are often expected to complete their undergraduate degree with the skills required to
Extending the Vision: Highlighting the Human Dimensions of the Ecological Society of America
- Sep 16, 2020
The reach of humans into natural ecosystems extends beyond what we might have imagined possible a century ago. Consequently, ecological science is virtually impossible to conduct in isolation, as
Lakes as Islands: The Arising Researcher
- Sep 1, 2020
Sooner or later, most graduate students in ecology hit a wall, realizing “I have no idea how to do what I need to do next.” Our careers would of course be unfulfilling if we were never challenged to
Authorship and Gender in ESA Journals
- Aug 17, 2020
Thirty‐one years ago, Ecological Society of America's (henceforth ESA) President Jean Langenheim embarked on a project recognizing women ecologists, and she later remarked,. In 1988 I hoped that there
4DEE—What's Next? Designing Instruction and Assessing Student Learning
- Aug 4, 2020
The Ecological Society of America (ESA) has recently adopted the 4‐Dimensional Ecology Education (4DEE) framework. The 4DEE framework takes a fresh and innovative approach toward the teaching of
Following the Trail of the Harvester Ants: The Arising Researcher
- Jul 1, 2020
When I started my PhD, I had no idea where it would take me. I was interested in sustainable agriculture and agro‐ecology, so the idea of working on biological control of weeds by weed seed predators
Writing Science
- Jun 15, 2020
Writing Science: Transforming Students’ Science Writing by Tapping into Writing Instruction Scholarship and Best Practices. Instructors at most career levels can agree there is irony in our
Which of the Following Is True: We Can Write Better Multiple Choice Questions
- Jun 1, 2020
Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are commonly used as a way to assess student learning, especially in (but not restricted to) very large classes. Nearly all students are exposed to multiple choice
Diverging from the Dogma: A Call to Train Creative Thinkers in Science
- May 15, 2020
Science is creative. Science is an inherently creative process at each step, from synthesizing literature, identifying knowledge gaps, designing robust studies, to troubleshooting in the field
Six Steps for Cultivating Successful Undergraduate Research
- May 1, 2020
Regardless of the profession, we have all been privy to the stifled groans and witnessed the collective cringing that can occur when a well‐meaning colleague or enterprising student asks: “Do you need
Are Research Networks Worth the Time for Graduate Students?
- Apr 15, 2020
Today's graduate students are entering academic and scientific communities that are rapidly changing. Collaborations across disciplines and sectors are becoming more common (Redman et al. 2004, Adams
Seedscapades in Seedscapes: The Established Researcher
- Apr 1, 2020
Growing up in Florida, running through the woods and swamps collecting nests, skulls, skins, plants, and fossils, I was driven to understand the world. I thought it was kids’ work because adults wore
Advice for Successfully Navigating an Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies Program
- Mar 16, 2020
Over 40 years ago, Stearns (1987) published a note in the Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America titled, “Some modest advice for graduate students,” prompting a playful rebuke by Huey
Conducting International Research? What to Know About Access, Benefit‐Sharing, & the Nagoya Protocol
- Mar 2, 2020
Conducting research in other countries and collaborating with colleagues internationally can enrich the careers of ecologists and give them opportunities to contribute to important questions in
The Organization of Biological Field Stations at Fifty
- Feb 18, 2020
The study of ecology has resulted in major advances in human understanding of complex ecosystems, yet its central focus has drifted over time away from organismal and natural history research toward
Island Hopping Leads to Unforeseen Connections: The Arising Researcher
- Feb 3, 2020
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on ye shoulders of giants” is a quote that I begin with each semester of General Biology at the University of Wisconsin‐Madison. Famously penned in the late
How Many Limnologists Does It Take to Fix the Plumbing? The Arising Researcher
- Jan 15, 2020
In my junior year at Saint Olaf College, I joined a literature group called Discussions in Ecology (DIE; an unfortunate acronym). Led by two devoted ecology professors, the members of DIE gathered